This site is to capture the memory and stories of

The Gartens & The Schnalls,

Two families related in may ways. 


The Schnalls lived in the small town of Wielowiez. The Gartens lived about a days travel away in the town of Plavo. Ratzel Schnall and Sima Garten were sisters. They both spawned a large brood of children, and made a life for their families in their respective schtetles before the war. When war broke out, unfortunately like many jews, portions of both families were killed. But thankfully their ingenuity allowed some of the members to survive and make it to America and Canada, where they thrive today.

This site is dedicated to the Gartens and Schnalls, understanding the people they were and the lives they lead, their bravery and tactics that allowed their survival. This is a living document to live on for generations.