The Anfang family bore Sima, who married Chaim Garten (for the Garten Lineage), and Ratzl, who married Yitzchak Schnall (starting the Schnall lineage). The Anfang siblings seem to be Charlie, Sadie, Sima, Ratzl and Esther.

Sadie Married a Mr Greenberg and gave birth to Toby.

From Toby Greenberg:

Uncle Charlie's wife was Mary. They had 3 children. Arnold Anfang lived in NJ near me but I haven't seen him in a very long time. His daughter Sylvia Trotiner also has not contacted me in a very long time. The youngest brother married a non Jew, lived in CA, and did not come to NY very often. My mother had a sister named Esther. Her daughter, Rozilyn, lived in NY and then for many years in Detroit. We are very close to her son Michael and his family. Rozilyn died many years ago. I seem to remember going to visit (only once) my mother's brother or half brother and his family. I believe his name was Abe or Abraham. I'll try to remember more as I look through photos. I do know that Phil Goldfarb and Betty sent us papers so we could come to the U.S. They said that Phil was my father's brother. That's why we went to Philadelphia first and then moved to NY because my Dad worked in the garment line.

Charlie came to America pre-war, he was the one who called for Gert (Ratzl's daughter) to come to America to potentially be his bride. By the time she was old enough to marry, she found someone else she wanted to be married to instead.

Gert then called for Chaja to come and sent papers, that were given to Betty (Betty came in pretending to be her sister Chaja), who was able to come to the US pre-war. Betty then brought in Sima's family- what foresight Charlie had to go to America!